AUSTRALIAN UFO REPORTS OCT 1996 Compiled by Keith Basterfield GPO Box 1894 Adelaide SA 5001

1958 STAWELL VIC 1230hrs DD

A silver craft was seen hovering in the W sky. It was a typical flying saucer shape, and emitted blue/white/green/red lights. Seen also through a telescope. The dome had windows, and the coloured lights came from the objectÆs centre underneath it. (INUFOR Digest Vol 2 No 1.)

1990 WAGGA NSW Night CE2

A 55 year old woman travelling by car saw a bright light above and in front of her car. The car developed a ômissö in the engine and stopped. The battery went dead with a new battery needing to be fitted. The event re-occurred 12 months later at the same place. (INUFOR Digest Vol 2 No 1.)


John and Chris Wilson, on a bright, sunny day, were taking a photograph of a bird. When the picture was developed they noticed an unusual object in the frame. (INUFOR Digest Vol 2 No 1.)

Mar 1996 KIAMA DOWNS NSW Trace

An unusual ôcircleö appeared overnight in a grass meadow. (INUFOR Digest Vol 2 No 1.)


Driving a man noted an aircraft with its navigation lights on, travelling north. ôOut of nowhereö appeared a very bright light in the SW sky moving to the south. Teardrop shaped, as bright as the Sun, it seemed 2-3km away, but only 300m above tree tops Lost to view. (INUFOR Digest Vol 2 No 1.)

19 Jun 1996 MORUYA NSW 1955hrs CE1

Three women in a vehicle sighted a large object, hovering over scrub near the side of the road. They decided not to stop. (INUFOR Digest Vol 2 No 1.)

19 Jun 1996 NAROOMA NSW 2035hrs NL

Hovering over trees, a bright, white light was seen by a family to their west. Larger than the Moon they watched through binoculars. It had two large lights on it, and a series of smaller, dimmer lights. It moved off slowly then shot off to the west.(INUFOR Digest Vol 2 No 1.)

20 Jun 1996 NAROOMA NSW 0600hrs NL

On the way to his work a witness sighted a larger than Moon sized white light. (INUFOR Digest Vol 2 No 1.)


A wedding party saw strange orange lights. (INUFOR Digest Vol 2 No 1.)

10 Aug 1996 NARACOORTE SA 2130hrs NL

A woman travelling by car saw a blue light for a couple of seconds, ahead to the left of the vehicle. It was large, round and of constant brightness. (UFORSA.)

11 Aug 1996 WALLAROO SA 2330hrs

A 17 year old man watched a strange object in the sky. It was bullet shaped and had a flame coming from it. It was zig zagging around. There was an unusual noise coming from it, which was not described. (UFORSA)

12 Aug 1996 HOPE VALLEY, Adelaide, SA 1811hrs NL

While driving along Nelson Road a woman looked up through the windscreen to see 3 lights in the sky. The centre one was pulsing while the other 2 werenÆt. She looked back and the lights had gone. (UFORSA)

12 Aug 1996 HACKHAM WEST, Adelaide, SA 2105hrs 1-2mins NL

A woman was inside a house looking East. She saw 2 red lights, oval in shape, in the East. They went in a straight line, one behind the other. There was no sound. (UFORSA)

13 Aug 1996 GLEN INNES NSW 0300HRS NL

A man travelling some 50km out of Glen Innes reported seeing a large light hovering over trees, only some 200m away from him. (K Basterfield.)

14 Aug 1996 KADINA SA 0600hrs 30mins NL

Three people spotted a bright light in the Northern sky. A red light on it flashed from time to time. It was stationary. Probably astronomical source. (UFORSA.)

16 Aug 1996 QLD

An Adelaide radio report spoke of an ôintense blue lightö ælighting upÆ South-East Queensland like an æatom bomb.Æ (K Basterfield.)

20 Aug 1996 MINLATON SA 1830hrs NL

Leaving work, a man saw two lights in the sky to his ENE. These lights radiated red and blue colours. Some 3km later, he stopped his car and saw that the lights hadnÆt changed position. He viewed them through binoculars. One minute later, one of the lights, the bottom one, took off into the SSE and vanished over the horizon in 30 seconds. The other light remained stationary. (UFORSA.)

28 Aug 1996 KILSYTH VIC 2100hrs 15 mins NL

Two people reported two bright, orange objects travelling across the horizon. One white light appeared and circled the two orange objects. The whole thing was silent. (UE)

24 Aug 1996 TORRENSVILLE Adelaide SA (0410-0415hrs) 5 mins NL

Two people saw a circular shape, sized between a star and a full moon size. It was orange and slowly pulsing. It travelled in a straight line from SE to NE at a 45 degree angle. It then reversed direction. 3 weeks ago at 0015hrs the same witness saw a single orange light 45 degree in the NE. It made a sudden directional and speed change.

In 1979 the same witness, when at Coober Pedy, SA, watched a bright white light pass between him and a hill 600m away. It emitted a series of coloured lights. It came low, and a white light came from it and went to the ground. It stayed around for 1 minute then it departed. (UFORSA.)

24 Aug 1996 GULNARE SA 0445hrs

A man rose to see why his dogs were barking. He saw a red light to the north-east low down near the horizon. There was no sound and it appeared 2-3 long as it was wide. (UFORSA)

25 Aug 1996 SNOWTOWN SA 1915hrs NL

Eyewitnesses reported a bright, orange light, travelling from north to south. Half an hour later, more orange lights were noted. They were seen above Snowtown, with two in front and four behind flying in a roughly diamond shape. One light departed from the rest until it hit the ground. Police investigations indicate the source was a flight of plastic garbage bags. (The Plains Producer 28/8/96.)

26 Aug 1996 DOVETON VIC 1930hrs 5 mins NL

One bright orange, star sized light was seen moving slowly. The witness looked away then looked back and it was a red flashing light which then disappeared. (UE)

26 Aug 1996 PAKENHAM VIC 2305hrs 15 mins NL

An orange/yellow light was seen by 2 people as it moved slowly on the horizon without any sound. As they were watching the light it suddenly moved on 1 45 degree angle and disappeared. 2 red lights could be seen connected to the object. (UE)

27 Aug 1996 VERMONT VIC 1900hrs 5 mins NL

2 orange lights were sighted. One more joined then another two, making five in all. The lights started to move around each other in silence. (UE)

27 Aug 1996 WAVERLEY VIC 1920hrs 5 mins NL

Five red/orange lights were seen moving by two witnesses. The lights were silent and moved quickly. (UE)


On two occasions a man woke to recall ôvoicesö had been talking to him during the night. (K Basterfield.)

28 Aug 1996 BULLEEN VIC 2330hrs Few secs NL

A noise like a plane was heard above the house, seemingly lower than a plane. The house is not on a flight path. The witness looked out of the window and saw an object with lights on it. It was stationary, then just took off and disappeared. (UE)

28 Aug 1996 PROSPECT Adelaide SA 0240hrs 45mins NL

A young woman went outside to have a cigarette and to look at the stars. She saw a white, pulsating light in the sky to the East over the Adelaide hills. She lined it up with the side of a wall and it moved, soundlessly, to the left and upward. Most likely an astronomical source. (UFORSA.)

31 Aug 1996 HACKHAM WEST Adelaide, SA NL

A ôburning objectö was reported in the sky. (UFORSA.)

1 Sep 1996 HEATHMONT VIC 2115hrs 5 mins NL

One bright, orange light seen moving fast towards the witness. It was silent. the light moved overhead, stopped then started moving again low in the sky. (UE)

2 Sep 1996 HOPPERS CROSSING VIC 2150hrs 1 min NL

One round, orange light seen stationary and silent low in the sky. Other lights were seen emanating from this light, before it disappeared. (UE)

3 Sep 1996 GLEN IRIS VIC 2115hrs 6 mins NL

One bright orange light seen. Steady, diagonal movement. It flashed three times then disappeared. (UE)

4 Sep 1996 BURNSIDE Adelaide SA 2245hrs 2 mins NL

A bright, yellow light, with a tail ôlike a cometö travelled West to East with a lateral shaking movement. There was no noise. It disappeared over hills as it was watched by 4 people. (UFORSA.)

5 Sep 1996 CAVAN SA 0130hrs NL

A white triangular mass of light was viewed in the NW sky over a few minutes. (Colin Paule.)

7 Sep 1996 MORGAN SA 2000hrs NL

While out camping a bright orange light travelled NW to E. It dulled in colour, changed direction and went south, then shot off, becoming very bright. At (2100-2130)hrs another bright orange light was seen going W to E. It changed to bright orange then shot off to the East. There was nil sound. Next morning the neighbour reported seeing a similar thing. (UFORSA.)

8 Sep 1996 KADINA SA NL

One kilometre out of Kadina driving towards Wallaroo, a woman noted a collection of lights. One big white one with a bluish tinge. There was a light on either side. (UFORSA.)

8 Sep 1996 LOCHIEL TO PORT WAKEFIELD SA 2115hrs 45mins NL

Two adults and children in a car noted a ôlarge starö which grew bigger in size. It became a huge, white light which split into two. There was no effect on the car. The two lights merged into one. Later, it repeated this splitting and reunion. (UFORSA.)

14 Sep 1996 UNLEY PARK ADELAIDE SA 2000hrs Secs NL

A man was out driving his car when he had a momentary view of a round light between trees. This light was flashing red, blue and white. There was no associated sound. Suggest probable astronomical. (UFORSA.)

15 Sep 1996 VICTOR HARBOUR SA 0120hrs 2-3 secs NL

High overhead, travelling S to SE, was a pin point light, coloured orange/yellow/red which moved in a straight line then curved off to the right. (UFORSA.)

17 Sep 1996 KADINA SA 2115hrs Secs NL

Three orange lights were sighted by a woman, which were travelling in a line. This line then took on a triangular formation. Seen through a bedroom window. Possibly hot air balloons. (K Basterfield.)

20 Sep 1996 CRAIGEBURN VIC 2020hrs

One blue/green light seen travelling fast across the sky and disappearing., No noise. (UE)

20 Sep 1996 ST ALBANS VIC 2020hrs NL

Two people sighted a green light travelling quickly across the horizon then disappearing. No noise. (UE)

25 Sep 1996 STH WARRANDYTE VIC 1910hrs 1min NL

Two bright, white lights seen travelling fast across the horizon. (UE)

25 Sep 1996 QUAKERS HILL SYDNEY NSW 2140hrs (CST) NL

A woman called to report three moving lights in a triangular shape. Seemed to be a very low, and flashing. (K Basterfield.)

25 Sep 1996 COMPTON SYDNEY NSW 2140hrs (CST) NL

Report of a red light which appeared to be coming in to land. It was first seen as a star like object then became brighter. (K Basterfield.)

25 Sep 1966 ADELAIDE SA 2000hrs NL

A red ball of light with a tail was seen travelling North in the Eastern sky. (J Burford.)

26 Sep 1996 NEWCASTLE TO SYDNEY NSW 2045hrs (EST) 15-20 secs NL

Six reports received of a brilliant object travelling West to East in clear skies with a full Moon in the sky. It s colour was variously described as white/yellow or orange/red or green, with a trail. There was no sound. (K Basterfield.)


ACRUFO Australian Combined Research into Unidentified Flying Objects. PO Box 114, Bundanoon, NSW 2579.
AIUFOFSR Australian International UFO Flying Saucer Research GPO Box 2004, Adelaide, SA 5001.
Independent Network of UFO Researchers PO Box 783, Kogarah, NSW 2217.
John Burford 1062 NE Road, Modbury, SA 5092
Keith Basterfield GPO Box 1894, Adelaide, SA 5001.
UFO Encounters and Support Line, PO Box 1309, Vesper Drive, Narre Warren, Vic 3805.
UFORSA. UFO Research (South Australia) PO Box 281, Blair Athol SA 5084.

Copyright © 1996 remains with the Researcher / 's named to be associated with each report.